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Dog Training in Carrollton TX - Dallas Metro Area
Where Good Dogs Go to be Great
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Understanding the Impact of High-Protein Diets on Dog Behavior
Understanding the Impact of High-Protein Diets on Dog Behavior Are you noticing changes in your dog's behavior lately? Or perhaps they...
Apr 18, 2024

Aggression in Dogs: Understanding Why Your Dog Is Aggressive
There are approximately 380 fatal dog attacks per year in the United States. That's one for every 8.4 million Americans. 75-85% of these...
Mar 30, 2023

What Causes a Reactive Dog? 5 Prevention and Management Tips
69 million American households have a dog. While many dogs don't have behavioral problems, it's pretty common for some of them to show...
Feb 3, 2023

7 Tips for Training a Dog With Anxiety
Humans aren't the only ones that can become nervous wrecks. Chimps, ostriches, and even elephants can have fits of anxiety. Man's best...
Dec 27, 2022

Can You Train a Fearful Dog?
Imagine you've finally adopted a dog after years of saving money and planning for it. However, you bring your dog home and realize...
Nov 4, 2022

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Training an Aggressive Dog
Did you know that nearly 1 million people each year in the United States need medical attention for a dog bite? As you might guess, many...
Oct 12, 2022

Why Do Dogs Dig?
More than 38% of American households have at least one dog, making dogs the most popular household pet. People call dogs man's best...
Sep 19, 2022

How to Help a Fearful Dog
57% of dog owners say their pet is anxious. 40% are afraid of noises, 33% have separation anxiety, and 15% are reactive to strange...
Sep 19, 2022

Resource Guarding: How Can You Train Your Dog Out of It?
Resource guarding is natural for dogs, as they want to protect their food and toys. How can you train your dog out of it? Learn the basics h
Jul 7, 2022

Why are Some Dogs So Destructive?
Dogs have different needs because they are individuals, just like people. Destructive behavior needs to be addressed by getting to the root
May 4, 2022

How to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking
It can be extremely frustrating to have a dog that always barks. Luckily, our tips here will teach you how to get your dog to stop...
K-9 Culture
Dec 17, 2021

8 Activities for Your High Energy Dog
8 Activities for Your High Energy Dog Is your hyperactive pup wearing you out? Read this guide for eight activities you can do to help...
K-9 Culture
Sep 14, 2021

Misconceptions of Dog Socialization
Most people that get a new puppy think of puppy socialization as puppy playtime. Even new dog owners that adopt or rescue an adult dog...
K-9 Culture
Feb 18, 2021

Help With Separation Anxiety
It is a rare dog owner who hasn’t heard of separation anxiety or experienced it with a one of her own dogs. With COVID and so many...
K-9 Culture
Feb 12, 2021

Get Dog to Stop Jumping
Tired of your dog jumping on you every time you come home? Of course, you are glad your dog is so happy to see you, but do they HAVE to...
Oct 30, 2020

There is a term we have been using a lot lately and we suspect over the next several months as more and more people begin resuming...
Oct 25, 2020

Behavior Issues #1 Reason Dogs Abandoned
47% of Abandoned dogs in shelters and rescues were left by their families due to Behavior Issues or “Pet Problems.” This statistic from...
Oct 18, 2020

We Create Most Issues We want to Fix in our Dog
As dog owners or leaders, we unintentionally create or cause most of the issues with our dog we later complain about or end up needing to...
Oct 18, 2020

Not all dogs are the same!
We say this everyday at K9 Culture Dog Training in Dallas, Texas. The reason this is so important is we as humans tend to think “all”...
Oct 8, 2020

Effective Dog Behavior Modification
Is your dog’s behavior driving you crazy? Perhaps the majority of the time they are a great dog but sometimes they react badly or suffer...
Sep 14, 2020
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