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Dog Training in Carrollton TX - Dallas Metro Area
Where Good Dogs Go to be Great
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Why Classical Conditioning Training Methods Are So Effective
Finding out what motivates your individual dog to learn is a key to training success. Find out about Classical Conditioning training methods
May 4, 2022

Should You Hire a Dog Trainer or Train Your Dog Yourself?
Most pet owners agree that hiring a dog trainer comes with various benefits. Learn if you should hire one or train your dog yourself...
Mar 21, 2022

Misconceptions of Dog Socialization
Most people that get a new puppy think of puppy socialization as puppy playtime. Even new dog owners that adopt or rescue an adult dog...
K-9 Culture
Feb 18, 2021

Puppy Potty Training Guide
Potty Training your puppy or dog is ALL about consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. The goal is to instill a Habit for your...
K-9 Culture
Jan 10, 2021

Socialize Your Dog and Puppy
If you got a puppy or dog during COVID you may be wondering how to help socialize them. During the pandemic it is even more important to...
K-9 Culture
Nov 30, 2020

Giving Your Dog More FREEDOM
The biggest mistake most dog owners make is that they give their dog way too much freedom much too soon! Think of your new dog, whether...
Nov 5, 2020

Getting a Dog
Getting a dog is easy. Having a well-mannered dog takes effort and time. Too many people get a dog and quickly become frustrated when...
Oct 29, 2020

Help Your Dog Understand Commands
Repetition Creates Understanding, this is something we repeat often when training with dogs at K9 Culture in the Dallas Metroplex. How...
Oct 28, 2020

Finding a Dallas Dog Trainer
Find a good dog trainer in Dallas FT Worth Metroplex
K-9 Culture
Oct 19, 2020

We Create Most Issues We want to Fix in our Dog
As dog owners or leaders, we unintentionally create or cause most of the issues with our dog we later complain about or end up needing to...
Oct 18, 2020

Not all dogs are the same!
We say this everyday at K9 Culture Dog Training in Dallas, Texas. The reason this is so important is we as humans tend to think “all”...
Oct 8, 2020

Can Obedience Commands Save A Dog’s Life?
According to an ASPCS survey: 47% of dogs in shelters are there because of behavior issues or “pet problems.” It is a sad statistic that...
Oct 8, 2020

Dog Foods To Avoid
Picking the right food for your dog is important. Many people don’t realize how important it is for there are several dog food brands...
Sep 30, 2020

Finding A Good Dog Food
These websites are a great resource to look up your dog food and see where it falls on the list of good dog foods and the list of bad dog...
Sep 30, 2020

We’ve All Had That ONE Dog
We hear people comment many times that their last dog, or “a” dog they had was so easy to train that they really never trained it. The...
Sep 9, 2020

Building Trust With Your Dog
Many people are confused with what trust means with your dog. Often, we tend to think of trust from the perspective that your dog trusts...
Sep 6, 2020

Saying "No" in Dog Training
As with virtually anything in life, humans can sometimes go to extremes. Dog trainers are no different and there are some dog training...
Sep 6, 2020

Importance of Good Dog Manners
Dog Manners are important for a happy relationship with your furry companion. Just like we want well behaved children when we go out, we...
Sep 3, 2020

Best Way To Greet A Dog, It’s Not How You Think
We see all too often people putting their hand out to greet new dogs. The belief is to give the dog a chance to smell your hand and...
K-9 Culture
Sep 3, 2020

Your Dog Doesn't Know
Dogs are not born knowing what to do and how to please you! It helps to remember that at one point, dogs were wild until humans...
K-9 Culture
Sep 1, 2020
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