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Sep 9, 2020
Dog’s Hyperactivity Driving You Crazy?
Dog’s and humans share many common traits. They can both be lazy, athletic, relaxed, anxious, fearful, and also overly energetic or...

K-9 Culture
Aug 10, 2020
Are You Being Unfair With Your Dog?
I like to joke that dogs are a lot like young children; but I am are serious. Having raised 6 children and trained dogs it is astonishing...

K-9 Culture
Aug 7, 2020
My Dog Pulls On The Leash
Loose leash walking can be one of the most challenging behaviors to teach your dog. Unlike behaviors such as sit or down, which our dogs...

Jul 24, 2020
Can Exercise Make My Dog Behave Better?
Perhaps you’ve found yourself saying one of these: “My dog runs around the yard, then comes inside and potties on the floor. My dog...

Jul 24, 2020
Your Dog Is Bored
Many behavior issues with dogs’ stem from Boredom. In the wild, dogs spend 80% of their waking time searching for food. As pets, we have...
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