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How Long Does It Take To Train a Puppy?


Proper dog training takes time, but what is the timeline for training your pooch? Learn how long it takes to train a puppy here.

Most puppies master toilet training between four and six months. However, puppyhood may extend up to three years of age. If you adopt a furry friend, expect to spend at least 20 minutes a day training for the next three years. Fortunately, patients and understanding will get a well-behaved dog.

Puppy Training
Puppy Learning Fetch

Unfortunately, people get impatient and expect their dog to be Einstein on the first day. Yelling can lead to stress and anxiety, which dampens the training process. Not to worry, continue reading to learn how long it takes to train a puppy.

Training a Dog a Simple Technique

A puppy trainer often recommends instilling positive habits and eradicating negative ones. The more often you reward your puppy for good behavior, the more likely he will repeat it. Puppies acquire knowledge from their owner through a process called "conditioning."

You should begin by teaching your puppy the words "yes" and "no." When your dog performs something amazing, acknowledge it with a "yes" and a treat. If your dog does something inappropriate, say "no," and divert them somewhere else.

How To Train a Dog To Go to the Bathroom

Training a puppy to pee outdoors takes an average of four to six months. However, some pups can be potty-trained in as little as two weeks. Plan to take your puppy out for a pee break as soon as he:

  • Wakes up from his nap

  • Finishes his playtime routine

  • Devours his food

If you see your puppy pee on the floor, take him outdoors immediately. Set a timer to bring him out every 2-3 hours. Repeat this process for three months.

Most pups love going outdoors and will naturally urinate on the grass rather than in their "den" area. Make sure to incorporate positive reinforcement with plenty of attention and fun.

When Do Puppies Start Biting?

Puppies acquire biting inhibition between the ages of 7 and 10 weeks. Teething and chewing start around three to six months. Keep various chew toys available or they will destroy your furniture.

Training a Dog Not To Bite

It takes three to four weeks to teach your puppy not to bite. Purchase some chew toys or engage in tug-of-war. If your puppy nips, shout "ouch" and pause the game for five seconds.

This is similar to how pups learn to avoid biting one another. If one dog bites too hard, the other squeals. Then the enjoyment comes to a screeching halt.

Dog Trainer Guide To Fundamental Obedience

Hold a treat near your puppy's nose and say, "sit." As you raise your hand to encourage him to look up, pat his bottom down. If your dog sits, reward him with a treat.

After your dog has mastered the "sit" command, practice the "down" command. Start by lowering your hand and the reward to the floor. This process will encourage him to lay down by following the treat.

Crate Training

Crate training can often be completed in two to four weeks. The slowest method is to reward your puppy for crate time. Then gradually increase the duration in the crate, and shut the door to leave the room.

Sleepless nights are common for new pet owners during the crate training process. Your puppy will need to be let out in the middle of the night to urinate. Tire your dog out before crating to alleviate some anxiety.


Socialization is one of the most time-consuming aspects of puppy training. Four-month-old puppies require several play sessions each day. For early pups, the most critical socializing phase is between 7 and 8 weeks old.

High-energy dog breeds need at least two walks or play sessions in a dog park. If your puppy is not properly socialized, they may experience anxiety and aggression.


The best age to teach your pup to fetch is 6 to 8 months old. First, you will need a toy that will stimulate them enough to pursue it. If your puppy is not yet motivated by toys, start with easier activities such as tug-of-war.

Continue with simple games until your puppy looks at the toy as a reward. Then toss the item and encourage your furry friend to chase and retrieve it. After that, teach him to drop the toy.

Leash Training

Once you've formed a bond, your puppy will intuitively follow you around the home or yard. Start by introducing a leash in a quiet location, like the backyard. Once your companion is used to it, step out for a neighborhood walk.

Allow your puppy's energy level to direct you. He will be more interested in smelling and investigating everything he encounters. Puppies may lack the energy to travel longer distances until they reach the age of 6 to 8 months.

What Are the Benefits of Consistent Training?

Training activities help you connect with your pup and increase their confidence. It also helps them get acquainted with the groomer and the veterinarian. That way, they are easier to pick up and handle.

Consistent training reduces nipping and biting. It also decreases anxiety and aggression. These are essential aspects if you have young children in the house.

Keep Training Sessions Short

Puppies have wandering eyes and brains, so it's like they have ADHD. That is why you want to keep training sessions brief, like 5 minutes. You can gradually increase it to 15 minutes each day.

Train in Different Environments

Taking a puppy to a new location, such as a park or the beach, will energize their brain. This strategy exposes them to a range of new sights and smells. Make sure to avoid locations with a high dog population until your dog is immunized.

Where Can You Find the Help To Train a Puppy?

Puppies are like children in their "terrible twos." Their energy levels are high and training can be challenging. People often stick to the dog training timeline to the core, but that can only lead to frustration.

Every dog is different and should be trained at its own pace. If you are having trouble, we are here to help. Contact us today at K-9 Culture for more info on how to train a puppy.

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