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Why are Some Dogs So Destructive?


Dogs have different needs because they are individuals, just like people. Destructive behavior needs to be addressed by getting to the root of the issue.

You're on your way home after several busy hours at work. All you want to do is get home, kick your feet up and relax with your dog. But when you open the door you're met with a demolished house and a confused dog.

Does this sound familiar to you? You're not alone. All too often dog owners deal with destructive behavior. You feel frustrated and your dog feels confused.

Did you know that nearly half of the dogs in shelters are there due to problem behaviors? Let's take a look at some of the reasons why your dog is displaying this behavior. We'll also learn more about unwanted behavior and find ways to reduce the problems.

Consider Your Dog's DNA For hundreds of years, humans bred dogs for a purpose. We wanted dogs to display specific behaviors and traits. This resulted in the many different dog breeds we see today.

Rat terriers and dachshunds hunt by digging and burrowing after their prey. Border collies and Australian shepherds herd and contain livestock. Greyhounds and Irish wolfhounds spot prey from long distances and then run it down.

None of the dog breeds we have today would exist without breeding for specific traits. And these traits are an inherent part of your dog's genetic makeup. We even see breed-specific behavior in puppies.

And sometimes these traits manifest in sudden destructive tendencies. You can't eliminate your dog's inherent traits. But you can understand more about your dog's specific instincts and learn how to manage them.

Your Dog Is Bored or Anxious When you leave for the day your dog doesn't think, Finally! Some time to myself!

Dogs are social animals. When they're in a pack environment dogs take cues from each other. This is how they learn acceptable behavior. When dogs are alone and bored they don't have those external cues.

Destructive behavior might be their only outlet. Separation anxiety almost always leads to unwanted behavior. When you're home your dog takes cues from you. But when you leave, your dog doesn't have the structure they're used to and they act out. And this is when you come home to a demolished house.

Installing cameras in your home is a good way to understand when your dog begins to feel anxious. Some dogs can go hours before they begin behaving badly. For other dogs, it happens as soon as your car is out of the driveway.

Understanding your dog's anxiety threshold helps you find an appropriate solution. Your Dog Needs More Exercise and Stimulation. Has your doctor suggested exercise as a solution for your own anxiety? The principle is the same for dogs.

A tired dog is a good dog. You've probably noticed that when you've finished a long walk your dog is content to lie down and relax. Movement engages a dog's body, leaving them calmer at the end of the walk.

Try to ensure your dog gets regular exercise. Depending on your dog's energy level you may need to walk them for an hour or more. Energy burned on walks means they have less energy for destructive behavior.

Mental stimulation is also crucial for dogs. Our dogs' ancestors had jobs that challenged their bodies and their minds. Today's dogs still have those drives but don't always have an appropriate outlet.

Hide treats around your house or yard and ask your dog to find them. Work on a new skill or trick and generously praise good behavior. Introduce a puzzle toy that requires your dog to solve a problem to get a reward.

When we understand that boredom and anxiety are real feelings for dogs we can learn more about ways to help.

The Problem May Be Health Related When your dog shows behavioral changes it's a good idea to speak with your veterinarian. When dogs are in pain they can act out in undesirable ways. Your vet can determine if a painful health condition is part of the underlying cause. Eliminating your dog's pain can result in improved behavior and a decrease in anxiety.

Chewing and shredding can also damage your dog's teeth. When dogs swallow foreign bodies it can damage their internal organs. A thorough checkup at your vet's office can ensure your dog is healthy, inside and out.

Your vet can handle the medical aspects of dog behavior but they might also suggest you work with a trainer.

When to Talk to a Trainer About Destructive Behavior If your dog's behavior hasn't improved it might be time to seek professional help. Dog trainers have unique skills that help get to the root of the issue.

A trainer doesn't only teach your dog basic commands. Trainers work with every aspect of your dog's personality. Then they determine the cause of the problem and implement a plan of behavior modification.

When you have your first consultation don't skimp on details. Describe your dog's behavior (good and bad), routine, diet and health. This information helps the trainer address your dog's unique needs.

Training programs can incorporate boarding, day classes or a combination of the two. But a good trainer will want you involved every step of the way. The goal is to strengthen the bond you have with your dog. And you'll learn a thing or two at the same time.

Set Your Dog up for Success Are you ready to have a more harmonious relationship with your dog? Would you like to learn more about the cause of your dog's destructive behavior and learn how to correct it?

Learn more about the benefits of professional dog training. You and your dog will soon be on your way toward the relationship you've always wanted.

Have FUN with your Dog!!

The K-9 Culture Family

Dog Obedience Training in North Texas

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